(previously known as The Good Timers): Larry & Jane Dixon invite you to a Meet & Greet planning lunch at 11:30pm on Thurs- day, September 12th in Bailey Hall. All adults are invited to attend.
The men’s fellowship will meet for supper at 6:00pm on Thursday, September 12th, at Ship2Shore. We will order from the menu. No sign-up needed - just walk in!
Kintsugi (Japanese for 'golden joinery'), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery.
In our series "Cracked Vessels" we have learned that we all are cracked, fractured and broken by our own sin ("we all sin and fall short of the glory of God") and we are further fractured by the sin of others. The good news is that God does offer us healing and those places of healing are the places where we see God's work most clearly.
We are in the process of setting up a craft project such as Kintsugi. Please mark your calendar for Sunday, September 8th and 15th from 3-5pm. Cost is $10.00 per person. Contact the church office at 912-882-5505, ext. 0 if you are interested in participating or for more information.
Join us in the church parlor Tuesday Mornings at 8:30am, learning more about God than you wanted to know. All Based on scripture. David Fink, Lead Sheep. All are welcome.
Mark Your Calendar for a Low Country Boil at Magnolia Manor in St. Marys on Thursday, October 10, 2024 from 6-7:30pm. For more information on tickets and sponsorships contact Cheryl Carter: (404) 702-7444 or cheryl@watersidemortgage.com.
(Nursery Provided)
Sunday School Classes are available for children, youth, and adults, beginning at 9:30am. You are invited to visit a class or two and find your place in Sunday School.
Here’s how it works: Those of you with the gift of hospitality will sign up to be a host/hostess for the event. You will prepare a meal of your choice, but you will not know who your dinner guests will be until 6:15 that night when you meet them at the church. Ask a friend to co-host.
Your other option is to sign up to be a dinner guest at someone else’s home. Either way you will have a great evening socializing with other Church members!
For more information on how to be a host or a dinner guest, contact the church office at 912-882-5505, ext. 0.
If you are interested in learning more about serving in the audio-visual ministry please contact Liam Smith, our AV Ministry Team Director, at avit@stmarysmethodist.org.
If you are interested in serving as a Greeter on Sunday mornings, please contact the church office at 912-882-5505, ext. 0.
We are looking for volunteers to serve as Ushers on Sunday mornings. If you are interested in serving as an Usher or would like more information about being an Usher, send an email to John McNeil at jmcneil409@yahoo.com for more information..
We are looking for volunteers to serve as Lay Liturgists during the 10:30am worship service. If you are interested in reading scripture on Sunday mornings or would like more information, please contact the church office at 912-882-5505.
We find our shelves are low on all kinds of soup, plastic jars of peanut butter, jelly, toaster pastries, cereals, instant mashed potatoes, canned / prepackaged meats (tuna, chicken, etc.), single serve fruit cups, and toiletries (soap, toothpaste, body wash, etc.). Donations may be dropped off at the Food Pantry (100 Pine St. - near the St. Marys Post Office) Tuesday thru Thursday from 9:00 - 11:30am. You may also bring your donations to worship with you on Sunday or drop them off at the church office. Your continued support is very much appreciated.
We will soon be placing an order for Name Badges. If you would like one and have not already put your name on the list for one, please sign-up on the sheet on the table in the lobby of the sanctuary.